Facial Reconstruction Surgeon in Pretoria can Help You Find a Completely New Look!

There are different types of cosmetic procedures administered by the surgeons these days to help their patients find a new look and appearance. When it comes to enhance the facial appearance that has been disturbed due to some reasons, most surgeons prefer to go for the cosmetic surgery. The Face is the best place to…

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What is Oral Maxillofacial Surgery?

Oral Maxillofacial Surgery is a perfect blend of dentistry and medicine. It entails a vast range of procedures and diseases, stating from impacted wisdom tooth and related surgery to complex ones like corrective jaw surgery and jaw abnormalities. Complex reconstructive work like the fibula free transfer graft also falls under the category of the oral…

Categorized as Health

Why Should You Hire An Experienced And Qualified Neck And Head Surgeon?

When it comes to head and neck surgery, then it is suggested that you should not be content with just a general doctor whom you have been visiting all the while. In fact, avoid getting in contact with your family physician who treats you in case of normal health issues like cough and cold. You…

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What Is Maxillo Facial Surgery?

A disease like cancer can develop in just about any part of the body. From the liver to lungs, head, neck, lymph nodes, etc., cancer can occur just about anywhere. If the disease is detected at its early onset, then the disease can be cured through surgery and radiology. If the cancer happens to be…

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Features Of Craniofacial Reconstruction

Gone are the days when having suffered an accident in your facial crania meant the end of the world. Often, motor accidents result in trauma suffered in the facial area. No matter how you have suffered damage to your face or oral bone structure, there is help at hand. Once the initial treatment is done,…

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